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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Goodbye Australia!

 "You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place. Like you'll not only miss the people  and places you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be exactly this way ever again."
--Azar Nafisi

The Gladstone Port from Auckland Lookout Point
Well, somehow the day is here already.  Today is the day that David and I leave this place that has been our home for the last year and a half, and return to Houston (with some stops on the way to visit our families for Christmas and New Years). 

As I expected, I have very mixed emotions about this day.  I wish I could be more excited about a trip home for the holidays... but the sadness of leaving this place (and knowing I likely won't ever return) is overshadowing that for now.  I guess you could say I'm having a bit of a hard time letting go...

I have a lot more I want to document about our last two days in Gladstone and the roller coaster of emotions it has been, but I will have to revisit that after we return and get settled a bit.  So for now,
I just want to say thank you, Gladstone for letting me call you home and for bringing such amazing people and experiences into my life. 

Goodbye, Gladstone!  Goodbye, Australia!

Beautiful Aussie skies!
One last sunset over Canoe Point
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  1. have a safe trip home!! xoxo!

  2. I have loved every single post from your time in Australia. Thank you for sharing this experience with friends, family, and the travel blogging world. Your photos and writing were so helpful in understanding the experience of moving abroad and all the emotions (excitement, sadness, frustration, fun, and everything in between) that come with it. I'll keep reading so I hope you'll keep writing as you settle back into life in the good ol' USA. XOXOXO


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