Hi Baby Boy!
I can't believe we are now at 41 weeks. Your due date came and went, and you are still so cozy in my belly that you just aren't ready to meet the big outside world yet. As much as this has been driving me crazy this week (your mom's a bit of a control freak), I know that this is OK, you are healthy and strong and content where you are, and you will be here before we know it. There's no way around that!
Even though I've been fixated on the when of your arrival, I also think all the time about YOU being here. It's fun to imagine what our lives will be like, what you will look like, what kind of amazing little person you will grow up to be, etc. A big part of me feels like the actual event of your arrival is still so surreal- a dream, almost. But I know it IS real, and that before long, we will hold you in our arms and wonder what life was like before you. It is exciting to think about meeting a little being that no one in the world has ever met or laid eyes on before!
Want to know a secret? As excited as I am to meet you, I'm also a little sad to think about it not just being you and me anymore- we won't ever be this close again. For 9+ months, I've had you all to myself. We go everywhere and do everything together, but before I know it, you will be a little person all your own. People are so excited to meet you, but I have been the only one lucky enough to have known you all this time already. I can't wait to introduce you to all the people that love you so much already, but I'm also a teeny bit sad at the thought of having to share you. I just love you so much, and I have LOVED every day of it being just the two of us. But let's be honest- IT. IS. TIME. So come on little man, when you are ready, come on out and join us- the world has lots in store for you!
Your Mom