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Thursday, November 27, 2014

33 Weeks - A Durian Fruit OR A Squash

October 30, 2014

Photo Thoughts: This week's fruit was a Durian Fruit, and I have no idea where one would find such a fruit in Houston.  Plus, I think this is a smelly fruit, and I just don't want to deal with that anyways. So I figured that a squash was close enough in size (and in season!), so I went with that.  Oh, and that's an ice pack I'm holding on my head in the last photo.  More on that later.  

How I'm Feeling: Same. Good. No complaints from me.  Well, no pregnancy related complaints anyways. 

Baby/Bump: Baby is pretty busy in there this week- he's opening and closing his eyes, trying to coordinate breathing with sucking/swallowing (which might explain the hiccups I felt last week), and his bones are hardening (which also might explain why his little kicks and jabs are getting a lot more uncomfortable).  

Symptoms: My back still gets very sore by the end of the day, especially if I have been on my feet a lot.  It's nothing unbearable, but it's definitely not fun. Even though I've been getting pretty bored at my job recently, I am SO glad to have a job like this during pregnancy where I sit at a desk most of the day.  I can't imagine how much more pain I would be having if I was teaching this year and constantly on my feet and on the move.  

Weight: Forgot to weigh in this week. Womp.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: I'm still really into OJ in the mornings, and I'm also really into peanut butter now. An English Muffin with PB is my go-to breakfast these days.  

What I'm Missing: I've been doing totally fine sleeping on my side, but sometimes I do just wish I could lie down on my stomach... even just for a little bit.  I catch myself sometimes walking into our bedroom and having the urge to just kind of throw myself onto the bed stomach first... but I can't, obviously. Soon enough.  

Sleep: Still good! Although I did wake up one night this week with the worst charlie horse cramp in my calf.  I sat straight up in bed and woke David up with all my thrashing about trying to get the cramp to stop.  Those things hurt so badly, and I was sore for the next couple days because of it. Supposedly leg cramps can be pretty common at this point in pregnancy though.  

Exercise: I'm still going to my prenatal Pilates/Barre class a couple times a week, and I'm also trying to do some of the videos from Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred 2-3 times a week.  I definitely have to modify the moves, but I love that the workouts are short and that I can do them at home.  

Movement: Lots!  And I can definitely tell that he is getting stronger with those kicks and jabs. I love feeling him move around in there- it's so crazy! But sometimes it is just SO much, that I'm like "calm down in there!"  It can get pretty uncomfortable sometimes. One day this week, I was on the freeway on my way home from work, and he was kicking me so hard, that I almost thought I was going to have to pull over since I was moving around so much to try and get him some more space in hopes of getting him to stop kicking me. Tiny ninja!  
Boy or Girl: Baby boy... I'm about to be outnumbered in our household. 

Highlights of the Week: 

-I picked out some paint samples for the nursery this week, and narrowed it down to my two favorites.  I bought samples of these two, and will try them out on one of the walls this weekend. Nursery progress- finally!  The lighting in this photo is awful- right below a yellow lamp- but I am deciding between the following two colors: right two color samples, second from the top on each.  

-Not exactly a highlight. A low light, in fact.  But worth mentioning here I guess.  This week baby boy got to experience surgery with me.  Long story, which I might write more about later, but the short version is I had my second and third basal cell skin cancers removed by MOH's surgery.  All three cancers have been on my scalp/in my hair line (the first one was about four years ago).  Luckily it wasn't super painful or invasive or anything, but it definitely wasn't fun.  And I was definitely upset about it, and quite honestly a little disappointed in myself.  Baby was just fine throughout the entire thing of course, although I did nearly pass out (that would have been a first for me), when they reclined me back in the chair for the procedure.  I guess I am officially at that point where laying on my back can make me nauseous and dizzy from the weight of the uterus pressing on a major artery.  But everything ended up going well, and I will go back in two weeks to get my stitches removed and have a final check.  I can only hope that this is the last time I have to deal with this AND I REALLY hope that my son will never have skin problems like his mom.  

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1 comment:

  1. Oh Meg! Sorry about the MOHs surgery. Baby boy is toughening up early on. I like the color on the far right. David is painting, right? Put him to work on that nursery!

    You look great, as you have the entire time. Just a few weeks left until we can meet the lil' guy. Can't wait to visit in 2015!


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