September 11, 2014
Photo Thoughts: Surrounded by boxes- ah, the joys of moving. Also, tired much? Sheesh! I'm trying to find a good spot in our new house to take these weekly photos. Clearly, this is not the place.
How I'm Feeling: Tired! Packing and moving is never fun, but packing and moving while pregnant just amplifies all that. I probably lifted more boxes than I should have, but it had to be done. And I even survived unscathed.
Baby/Bump: I'm housing a head of lettuce this week, apparently. This week, baby boy is further developing his eyesight and immune system. He's also starting to take little practice breaths of amniotic fluid.
I get the feeling that the bump is about to have a big growth spurt. I've had a couple days where I experienced a "burning" sensation just above my belly button, and I can only imagine that it could only be "growing pains."
Look at that gut hanging over my seat belt ;-) |
Symptoms: Lower back pain, but I think most of that can be attributed to all the moving and packing. On Thursday 9/11 (our actual move day), I don't think I sat down for more than a few minutes the entire day. I finally flopped onto the bed that night and remember thinking that I don't think I had ever felt so totally worn out. Weight: Same as last week. Phew- I was hoping I would hit a little bit of a plateau. So, total I'm up about 17 pounds.
What I'm Stressing About/Worries: Lots of stress this past week with the move- as is to be expected. But on top of that, my sweet grandmother passed away on Saturday, so it was a tough week emotionally as well. I ended up having to scramble to get our move date moved forward one day (it was scheduled for Friday originally, but I begged to move it to Thursday), so that I could leave early Friday morning to go be with my family and to attend her funeral service. Luckily everything that needed to get done before I left got done on Thursday, but I definitely left the house (and David) in a total state of disaster with unpacked boxes all over the place.
Sleep: I'm happy to report that I am still sleeping well (just never long enough), AND even better news is that I am sleeping really well in our KING BED! The first night sleeping in that giant bed after it being in storage for two years was heavenly.
Exercise: Not once this week. There just wasn't time with everything going on. I guess maybe all the packing/moving might have counted for something?...
Movement: Still feeling movement daily, but I haven't really identified a predictable pattern just yet. He used to move a lot whenever I would lay down on my back, but not so much anymore. A couple of times I have felt movement in two different places at once- must be a hand and a foot kicking/punching at the same time. That is a strange feeling!
Boy or Girl: Baby boy!
Look at the cute baby boy (well these are 6-12 months) shirts I scored from an Instagram sale- all that for $12! |
Also, David and I finally set aside some time to head to Babies 'R Us to start our baby registry. We had the nicest lady walk through everything with us, and it was really helpful. But it was also hugely overwhelming! Seriously, how can such a small being require so much gear?! It was fun though, and it made this whole baby thing seem very real.
The employee insisted that David needed to try this carrier on, not me. |
Totally excessive, but this is probably one of the top 3 things on our registry that I'm most excited about. I can't wait until they come out with an adult version. |