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Showing posts with label Jack. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Jack - Week 11

March 7-13

This was a pretty uneventful week. We were a little sad to be by ourselves again after the fun of having my brother and sister visit the week before, but the good news is that my mom is coming into town for my birthday March 15!

11 Week Highlights:
-Jack is still loving having his hands in his mouth. Sometimes he just sucks or gnaws on his fist, but more and more he is figuring out how to actually get his fingers in there. He won't take a pacifier, so I'd love if he figured out how to suck his thumb so he can have some way to self-soothe that doesn't involve me. 

Tasty fingers
-For several weeks, Jack had been going to bed between 9:30 and 10. This week, he randomly had two nights in a row where he was asleep for the night by 8:30. I was excited because it seems like what the books say is true- that earlier bedtimes result in more sleep. Well, on the third night of going to bed by 8:30, he woke up to eat at some awful hour but then stayed awake for close to two and a half hours. It was as it fun as it sounds. He wasn't crying or anything, just wide awake and ready to play. I kept the lights off in the nursery and was a mean mom and refused to engage with him. I put him in his crib and he just kind of entertained himself while I dozed in the rocker until he was ready to go back to sleep. It was the strangest thing, because he was perfectly happy just playing by himself in there, then he finally started fussing so I picked him up and he fell immediately asleep on my shoulder. Whatever, crazy baby.  

-Jack's grandparents came to visit for the day on Sunday.  It was so nice of them to drive all the way from Austin to see us.  They also brought tons of food to stock our freezer, which I SO appreciated!  

Jack with David's dad.  He is like, "what the heck is going on? This is not how you put me to sleep!" 
Other Random Jack Photos From the Week:

Nap time

"Haha, that's cute mom. You think if I play in my crib sometimes, I will get used to being in here and eventually sleep here. Ha!"

Chubby baby fingers

LOVES sucking on his bottom lip

Trying to roll over!

I didn't think he was ready for his Bumbo, but apparently he is!  He kind of just crumbled over after a couple seconds, but we will keep practicing!

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Newborn Photos

Jack only has a couple more weeks before he is out of that range where he is considered a newborn/infant (I think that is three months), so I figured I better hurry up and share his Newborn Photos before they are too totally irrelevant!  

Jack was actually 3 weeks old when we had these taken, but especially looking back on them now, he still looks so teeny tiny!  He's not as squishy and sleepy as those first few newborn days, but I still love the way the photos turned out.  

Our photographer Rieza of Mona Risa Smile Photography did a wonderful job. She is a baby whisperer!

Now THIS is the face we were used to seeing much of the time at this point in his life

...aaaaannnndddd.. he's done with pictures! :-)
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