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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Newborn Photos

Jack only has a couple more weeks before he is out of that range where he is considered a newborn/infant (I think that is three months), so I figured I better hurry up and share his Newborn Photos before they are too totally irrelevant!  

Jack was actually 3 weeks old when we had these taken, but especially looking back on them now, he still looks so teeny tiny!  He's not as squishy and sleepy as those first few newborn days, but I still love the way the photos turned out.  

Our photographer Rieza of Mona Risa Smile Photography did a wonderful job. She is a baby whisperer!

Now THIS is the face we were used to seeing much of the time at this point in his life

...aaaaannnndddd.. he's done with pictures! :-)
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Jack - Week 10

February 28 -March 6


Jack got to spend the first few days of his tenth week with his Aunt Lauren and his Uncle Mark! We loved having them visit!  On Saturday we took Jack on a walk down to the neighborhood pizza and wine bar/restaurant. He did great and actually fell asleep soon after we got there. Since my sister and I are both Gonzaga alums, Jack also cheered on the Zags for their big game Saturday night, but he didn't get to watch since the game was after his bedtime.  On Sunday evening, Lauren and Mark babysat Jack while David and I went out to grab a quick dinner. It was nice to sneak away, but of course I'm just nervous the whole time we are gone. He was fine of course, and they even took care of bath time for us! It was sad to see them go. I wish they lived closer!

Uncle Mark on early morning cuddle duty

Jack requires lots of close attention in the tub or he freaks out

Go Zags!
The rest of the week was pretty uneventful.  The weather here has been awful the past several weeks- just gray and dreary most days.  We are so over it!  Jack has hardly seen the sun in his little 10 week life!  

Things To Remember From This Week:
-Jack really seems to be discovering his hands, and he is working really hard at getting them in his mouth  This typically creates a slobbery mess, but he loves it.  
-Jack had a low grade fever that started after his shots last week, and it lasted all the way through Tuesday.  Along with the fever, he also developed a rash on his chest and back. I wasn't worried about it at first, but it seemed to be lasting too long to be just a symptom of the shots.  So I called the doctor's office and they had me bring him in since the fever had gone above 100.4, and they wanted to check out the rash.  Of course, it turned out that it was nothing to worry about- just what they called a delayed reaction to the vaccines. I felt like a silly, paranoid new mom, but I'm glad we got it checked out. 

Baby's first pair of (fake) jeans

FaceTime with Dad while he's at work

Does this shirt make my chins look fat?

The boys always get the good eyelashes


Nap time. At least one of us is sleeping.. He fell asleep like this, and unfortunately I couldn't fall asleep. I didn't dare move him, so I was stuck like this for a good hour and a half.  There are worse places to be stuck I suppose. 

On To Week 11!

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