Hospital Photos
I'm here. Taking it day by day and just trying to keep my head above water with this parenting thing at this point. Survival mode, for sure. This baby momma gig is no joke! To celebrate the first time in a long time that the baby is asleep (not in my arms!), and that I have some computer time, I wanted to share the photos that the hospital photographer took on our second day in the hospital. We had actually arranged for the photographer who did our maternity photos and who will do our newborn photos to come to the hospital and do an "arrival photo session" (no, not birth photography), but since Jack Man was so late to arrive, she actually ended up being out of town for the holidays. I was really disappointed about that, but I was pleasantly surprised with how well these photos turned out, so it worked out just fine in the end!
Here is our sweet Jack...
Congratulations! Jack is adorable and the photos are wonderful. When did he end up arriving?