Side note: does anyone have any tips on how they blog quickly with a baby? This took me forever!!
February 6, 2015
Week 6
This is the week that Jack officially outgrew his Newborn size clothes, although he is still in NB diapers. It's funny because I remember very specifically looking at the handful of newborn clothes that I had before he was born and thinking to myself, "Oh, I will ever have a baby this tiny. Good thing I don't have a ton of these size clothes, because we will never get to use them." Well, obviously, I was wrong- and had to go out and buy more even. One morning this week I gave my mom an outfit to dress him in for the day. She called me in to come look at him, and I couldn't believe that the same one piece outfit he had worn 4-5 days previously couldn't even be pulled up over his shoulder. Our man is a little guy, but he is all of a sudden growing quickly! He's not a rolly polly chubby baby by any means. He is long and lean. But I am gradually starting to see some rolls and chub growing! I'm excited that he's growing big and strong, but of course it's always a little sad, too.
As I mentioned above, my mom is here again. We are SO lucky to have her here again already. She has been such a huge help! It's nice to just have another adult here during the day who can help me with our fussy guy. She's also been really good at encouraging me to take him on outings, since I am so scared to take him anywhere really for fear that he will throw a conniption in public. I need to just get over that, otherwise I will drive myself crazy with this hermit life. So this week, we took a little trip to Target and even to the mall! Small victories!
Naps with Mimi |
On Friday night, David and I had our first dinner out alone since Jack was born. It felt strange to be out without him, but it was also really nice to have some time alone again. Of course it was hard not to think or talk about Jack the whole time, but it was definitely a comfort to know that he was with the best babysitter- my mom.
Jack pulled a not so fun stunt this week. On Friday night/Saturday morning, he decided to stay awake from 2:30 AM - 5:30 AM. In his defense, at least he wasn't crying that whole time. He was just happy and ready to party. I was EXHAUSTED though and had a hard time being patient with him. He's lucky he's cute. These are the faces he was giving me... looks like a baby who is ready to sleep, right?...
Worst parent of the year award right here- It was only this week that Jack had his first real at home bath. He had one in the hospital, and since then we had just been giving him sponge baths. I 100% admit that I was avoiding this entirely because I knew that it would be a scream fest, so I just wasn't looking forward to it at all. My mom cracked the whip though and helped me get that first at home bath out of the way. He did indeed scream his head off, but hopefully he will eventually learn to enjoy his baths.
Baby buns! |
Post bath naked baby time |
-He doesn't hate diaper and clothes changes as much. Jack used to cry every time his diaper or clothes were changed. Which was really annoying, because that ends up being like 10+ times a day. So I'm glad that he seems to be getting over that trauma.
-Jack is beginning to show very focused interest in black/white contrast items. There is a little mobile above his swing with black/white toys hanging on it, and he never really seemed to notice it at all until this week. Now he will just stare at them intently. He also loves to stare at our ceiling fans (whether they are on or not), which I think is because they are very dark in color so they stand out against the white ceiling.
-Jack is sleeping a little better at night time and seems to know night from day finally (aside from the stunt I mentioned above). I can get 3-4 hour stretches of sleep from him pretty consistently. He still doesn't really go down for the night until anywhere from 10:30 PM- 1 AM, unfortunately. I have noticed recently though that he seems to be getting tired slightly earlier, so I am thinking that he is trying to move his bedtime up gradually. I sure hope so! My mom is a saint when it comes to bedtime, and she takes the first shift with Jack and then just brings him to me when he is ready to eat. That way I can get at least one stretch of undisturbed sleep. Thanks, mom!
Well, that's Jack at 6 weeks!
Here are some other random photos of baby Jack from the week...
Baby's first Superbowl |
Growing a double chin |
Baby's First Hoodie |

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