Events of the Week:
Jack had his second trip to the grocery store. This time it wasn't just a quick in and out trip like last time, so of course I was worried how he'd do. He did great thought. I carried him in the Bjorn, and he was awake the whole time, but just staring at all the lights and new things to look at. We also had a successful trip to Costco. He slept through that entire trip. YAY Jack!
Jack had his first real "scare." I was holding him and making a smoothie. I pressed the button to turn it on, and I felt him JUMP in my arms. I turned it off, looked down, and his eyes were HUGE, he had the biggest pout on his face, and he let out the loudest scream I have ever heard from him, he proceeded to cry inconsolably for quite a while. It was so sad, and I felt awful. I kept thinking that that was the first time in his little life he had been scared of something. Poor guy.
Sleep HAD been getting a little better the past week or two. But this week he seems to have had a little sleep regression. He was fighting naps again, and not sleeping as well at night. One night, I got up to feed him at 1:30 AM. He seemed sleepy while he was eating, but after he finished, he was WIDE awake. He was smiling, laughing, and trying to "talk" to me with his newly discovered voice. Normally- totally cute. At 1:30 AM? Not so much. This went on until he finally fell back asleep at 4AM!!! I kept telling myself, "at least he's not screaming and crying," but it was still pretty miserable.
Jack turned 2 months old this week!! Time sure does fly!
Jack met his Aunt Lauren and Uncle Mark this week! They came to visit us for a long weekend (more on this in week 10). It was so fun to have them meet their nephew. He LOVED them so much, and we loved having them here!
First time meeting Aunt Lauren. She got him right to bed for the night! |
First time meeting Uncle Mark! |
Jack had his 2 month doctor appointment this week.
-12 lbs, 12 oz (62%)
-24.5 inches (97%)
He also had to get 3 shots and have one oral vaccine. Jack and I both cried during the shots, but he recovered a lot faster than I expected. He was VERY sleepy for the next 24 hours and took lots of naps. But other than that, he was fine. Glad to have that done with!
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Pep talk from Aunt Lauren |
Sad baby thighs |
Brave boy! |
We both cried |
Recovery |
Future Dr. Mark |
5 Days Old at Doctor Appointment vs. 2 Months Old Doctor Appointmnet |
Poor guy fell asleep on his belly after his shots |
New Developments:
-Jack's eyes are definitely turning brown now. Up until now they were that typical baby gray, but now it's fun to watch them change. David and I both have brown eyes, so it was pretty much inevitable that he'd be a brown-eyed boy.
-Jack has been working on a pretty impressive pout lip. I haven't managed to get a picture of it yet, but it's pretty sad and pathetic looking.
-He likes me, he really likes me! Some of this started happening more around 6 weeks, but it took me a while to realize. Jack is now doing things that make me feel like, "hey, he actually likes me and maybe even appreciates all I'm doing for him!" It's a pretty great feeling to know he's moving on from appearing to be just a crying, pooping, hungry baby blob! Things that I notice now:
-he seems to actually LOOK at me, whereas before I knew he could see me but that was about as far as it went.
-he is FINALLY consoled by me when he's crying and I go to pick him up
-he rests his sweet little head on my shoulder (on purpose, not just bc he can't hold it up)
-each morning he usually wakes up crying or whimpering, but now once he sees me, he stops and gets a big grin on his face
Other Random Jack Photos From This Week:
He always tucks his little thumb inside his fist |
"Haha, that's cute, mom. You think I'm going to actually sleep in this thing one day?" |
He loves looking at himself in the mirror |
Trying out his new sunglasses - Baby Banz! |
Baby North Face Jacket and Baby Banz! |

Oh Meg he is presh! I love his little outfits. Great photos and you'll be so glad you have all these memories recorded one day!