Being at home alone all day with a newborn (especially a very needy one) is a LOT of work. It can also be pretty lonely. It's pretty incredible how difficult tasks such as showering and eating a meal can become. I still have a lot of anxiety about taking Jack out on errands. Not because I'm nervous about strangers and their germs, but only because I am so fearful that he will throw one of his famous conniptions where he becomes inconsolable while we are out and about. I need to get over that though and realize that worst case scenario, we can just get in the car right away and go back home. We did have a few successful outings this week though, so that helps me be more confident to continue this. Which is good, because I definitely start to get "cabin fever-ish" on the days when we don't leave the house.
On Friday my friends Kim and Casey came over with their little boys. They knew that was our first day on our own so they figured I would want some company. They brought lunch, and we just hung out and chatted and then took the babies on a walk in the afternoon. It was a lot of fun and so good to have company!
I read a lot about and hear from other moms that sometimes babies will just out of nowhere seem to make big changes in their development and/or behavior. I had heard from a lot of people that sometimes things seem to take a turn for the better around the 6 or 8 week mark. Well, I hate to even say this for fear of jinxing things, but it seems like Jack is taking a turn for the better as of this week! On Sunday night/Monday morning, he had his very first 5 hour stretch of sleep! It was incredible- except for the fact that I kept waking up thinking something surely must be wrong. And THEN, on Monday, he proceeded to take THREE naps! THREE! It was crazy since before this, he literally refused to sleep during the day. I was so worried that all that sleep during the day would make for a long night, but he actually slept fine that night. It must be true what they say about a well-rested baby sleeping better (and more!) than an over-tired baby. The timing of this was funny too, because I had JUST ordered an e-book about sleep training. It's like he KNEW, and went ahead and put himself on a schedule all on his own. I figured that Monday was a fluke, but then he slept pretty well the following two nights and also took the same 3 naps on Tuesday and Wednesday as well. It was AMAZING! Thursday and Friday weren't AS great, but still better than previous weeks. I realize that babies can always switch things up unexpectedly just when you think you have them figured out, but I do hope that his sleep improvements are here to stay, at least somewhat!
Smiling and blowing bubbles while NAPPING! |
He's surprised that he napped, too! |
Jack got to meet his great uncle Mark this week! He was in town for work, and he stopped by on Tuesday evening to visit us. It was so fun to catch up and have another family member meet our little guy.
I also was brave enough to venture out to the grocery store this week. I almost turned around and went home before we even got there because he cried the entire car ride there, but right as we pulled in, he got very quiet, and I peeked in the mirror and he had fallen asleep! I was sure he would wake up when I took him out of his car seat to put him in the Bjorn carrier, since he doesn't do well with transfers, but he miraculously stayed asleep. I only spent about 20 minutes in the store, but he slept the entire time! Who is this baby?!?!
On Wednesday, I took Jack with me to my 6 week follow-up OB appointment, which was something I had been nervous about since the day I made the appointment. But he was a rockstar! He didn't even cry once, and they were running almost an hour late! The nurse came in and held him while I was with the doctor and he just smiled at her and was so calm. He even fell asleep in the car on the way home which NEVER happens. I kept waiting for the screams and cries, but they just never came. Phew!
What's New With Jack:
-We started a bedtime routine on Sunday night. This coincided with the 5 hour stretch of sleep, so now I am very superstitious about it and NEVER want to change it. :-)
-He is doing lots more cooing and smiling. It's so fun to hear his little voice! And it's funny when I can tell that he startles himself with the sounds he makes. Sometimes I can also tell that it's like he forgets what he needs to do to make the sounds, and he fidgits around and moves his mouth and grunts trying to figure it out again.
Goofy grin that he makes before he coos |
-Jack is starting to turn his head to follow objects. He also follows objects with his eyes now, too.
-I've seen him grab objects on his floor gym (but not on purpose, more just that his hand closes at the exact right time as he flails his arms around). It's funny though, because when that happens, he has no idea how to let go of whatever is in his hand. That usually causes him to get frustrated and cry if I don't help him out.
Now how do I let go of this thing? |
-Jack has been trying to suck his thumb since the day he was born, but he just couldn't figure it out. His little fist is always up by his mouth, but he keeps his thumb tucked away inside his fist. This week he did get it figured out once, and he was SO happy. He hasn't done it again since, but I'm pretty sure we do have a future thumb sucker on our hands.
-He finally stopped hating baths! He will cry right when you put him in the water, but now he quickly calms down. It's a relief that baths are now much less traumatic for everyone involved.
Well, I think that is it for week 7! Let's hope week 8 brings MORE SLEEP!!
His lashes are getting so long! |
Arms always up while sleeping |
Ear fuzz |

Sounds like it was a great week! I'm so glad his sleeping habits are improving - EVERYONE functions better when baby sleeps, ha! Crossing my fingers it's here to stay!