Photo Thoughts: Again, these fruit comparisons are getting to be confusing. I'm not sure WHERE you are supposed to find a grapefruit with an 11 inch diameter.. but this is the best I could find. This is markedly smaller than last week's papaya. I'm starting to think these fruit comparisons are not the most scientific method for measuring babies ;-)
How I'm Feeling: I feel good! I'm starting to definitely feel larger. The belly (and the rest of me) is pretty obviously going through a growth spurt. I'm also feeling a big sense of relief this week since WE FOUND A HOUSE! More on that later...
Baby/Bump: Baby's hearing is pretty much fully functioning. He can hear voices, my heartbeat, music, etc. His face is also fully formed, but it's probably looking pretty wrinkly without fat to fill in the skin yet. I've got plenty of that that I'd be happy to share with him!
The bump is definitely growing pretty steadily now. I feel like it's still not really the round and cute bump that I always imagined it might be... so it will be interesting to see how it changes over the next several weeks.
Symptoms: Still very few. Acne is still sticking around. And I feel like this week I was a lot more tired than I usually am. When I get home from work in the afternoon, I find that I want to just collapse on the bed and relax for a while... no naps happening though.
Weight: I forgot to weigh myself again this week. I'd guess that I gained at least a pound though just judging by the amount of belly growth I noticed this week.
What I'm Stressing About/Worries: Now that we've found a place to live, the next "big thing" to stress about is getting a second car. We've been a one car family since moving back to Australia, which has been surprisingly easy since our apartment is within walking distance to David's office, but once we move we won't be able to get by with just one car any longer. On to the next major purchase...
Sleep: I think I'm done with stomach sleeping now... even the "modified stomach sleep" that I had been pulling off up until now. Luckily, sleeping on my side seems to be coming pretty naturally to me now. Although, once we move and get our king bed out of storage, I will be anxious to get a pregnancy pillow to help with some of the hip pain I sometimes feel from sleeping on my side.
Exercise: Getting back on track this week since I'm not spending my afternoons hunting for houses anymore. I'm starting to notice that I'm having to modify certain movements. Any time I raise my leg/knee, I can feel it "bumping into" my stomach. Same with bending over for toe touches, etc. I tried doing some planks the other day and it was the strangest sensation... I was trying to concentrate on engaging my ab muscles, but it just wasn't happening.
Movement: I'm still feeling those flutters/gas bubble feelings pretty much daily. Although I did kind of feel like I felt less movement this week than last week. I tried not to worry about it though. I think the movements just aren't quite yet strong enough to notice any sort of regular pattern. I can't wait until baby boy is stronger and I get to the point where I can see the movements and eventually even make out body parts as he pokes and jabs me.
Boy or Girl: Baby boy! David still will randomly say out of nowhere, "I have a SON." It's pretty cute.
Highlights of the Week: We finally found a house to rent! Although it really only took about three weeks in total, it felt like much longer, just because houses were moving so quickly, so it was three weeks of putting a lot of energy and focus into the process. We saw a lot of houses that were pure crap... especially for the price they were asking, and some houses that we loved but they were just way out of our budget. It was a relief when we stumbled upon this house when we did! We actually found it the day it was listed (which is key in this market), and put in our applications that day. Luckily we were the first ones to see it and apply, because within 24 hours there were at least two other applications. But we got the place, and we are so excited! We will be moving mid-September sometime. Ironically, our new place is literally two blocks away from our old house. So we will be back in the old 'hood. Can't wait!