Photo Thoughts: No idea where one would find a coconut in mid-November, so I figured a cantaloupe was close enough in size/weight. Also, taking photos at night (and without makeup) makes for very un-flattering face shadows. In the last photo, I'm holding all of the baby reading materials that I'm acquiring from doctors, classes, etc... it's overwhelming.
Baby: Little guy is almost done growing as far as length goes. Now he's mostly just packing on weight. I love me a chubby baby, but I hope he doesn't get too carried away with the weight gain in there.
Symptoms: I'm still having back pain just about every night. I've also noticed that almost anytime I lay flat on my back (and sometimes even when I'm propped up a little bit), I start to get nauseous and a little dizzy. From what I read, that's a result of all the weight in my belly pressing down on some arteries. Luckily, pretty much as soon as I sit up or flip to my side, the sensation goes away.
Weight: +0. Maintaining the same weight as last week/balancing out that three pound weight gain last week from all the Halloween candy ;-)
What I'm Anticipating: My sister-in-law, Renee just arrived in Houston tonight for my Houston baby shower that she is co-hosting this weekend. I am so excited for the baby shower and to spend some time with Renee who I haven't seen since January.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Now that it's cooling down, I am loving warm drinks like hot chocolate and chair lattes.
Sleep: I'm so glad that I am still sleeping so well... as long as I stay off my back.
Exercise: Pre-natal pilates/barre and the occasional Zumba class or home workout video.
Movement: Still lots of movement. He moves A LOT at night, and another active period for him seems to be after lunch time. I've been feeling a lot of jabs/pressure on my bladder this week, so I am REALLY hoping this doesn't mean that he has flipped around in there...
Boy or Girl: Baby boy!
Milestones: 35 weeks down, 35 days to go!
Highlights of the Week:
-This was actually two weeks ago, but I forgot to mention it. David and I went to a Basic Baby Care class. It was only an hour long (which I know David appreciated), and it was actually really informative. Just a couple days after that class, I went to a breastfeeding class at the hospital. This was also a good class, with a TON of information... pretty overwhelming actually. I was a little bit disappointed with the instructor of the class though. She seemed to have an underlying attitude that "oh, this should be easy, it's natural, if you're in pain or it's not working, it's because you are doing something wrong." I mean she never outright said those things, but I just got that feeling... she was kind of dismissive when it came to questions about having problems with feeding, etc. Luckily I've heard from enough people that it is VERY common for women to struggle with breastfeeding, and that does NOT mean that you are doing something wrong. Had I not heard these things from other people, I would have been really intimidated by the message this lady was giving.
-We took our hospital tour this weekend! The hospital is only about 3 years old, and it is such a beautiful facility! The tour was very informative, and we got to see all the different areas where we will spend time. It was a little overwhelming and surreal though. I definitely started tearing up a little bit when we were in the labor and delivery room. I just can't even imagine what it will be like when it's my turn in there.
Most Entertaining Question of the Week: "Any day now, huh?" This was from the same annoying contractor who sometimes comes into the office at work. Just about every time I see him, he manages to make some strange and annoying comment.

The 35/35 milestone is always a fun one!! I'm glad all your baby classes went well for the most part - and it sounds like you have a good realistic view of nursing! How strange that a nurse would talk about it that way?! It ALWAYS hurt at some point or another even if you have a good nurser - but you're right, that doesn't mean you're doing it wrong at all!! Enjoy your last Christmas as a family of two - unless baby comes early that is! :)