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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Favorite Posts

Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

Seeing as how I only began blogging back in October, my archives really aren't all that... archaic.  But, that may have made this task a little easier on my part, since I had less than a year of posts to look back through.  It was still fun though to look back through my posts and select some favorites up to this point.  Enjoy!
Favorite Travel Posts:
-The day I got to cuddle a koala and pet kangaroos was probably one of the happiest days of my life.
-Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef was unreal and a huge item checked off the bucket list.   
-Even before coming to Australia, I had always wanted to see the Great Ocean Road
Favorite Posts Related to My Life As an Expat
-A post about my first Christmas away from home and how my family found a way for me to be in two places at once.
-On longing to be someplace else 
-Aussie-isms/Are we really both speaking the same language?!
-Some Reflections on "The Price"
Favorite Posts From the "Blog Everyday In May" Challenge:
-Story of My Life in 250 words
-A list of the top things that make me happy!

Catch up with my "Blog Every Day in May" challenge here:
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5 (Oops! :-/ I did blog on day 5, just not following the prompt...)
Day 6
Day 20 (I broke my streak- I missed this day...)


  1. Gonna hop over and read about Christmas in 2 places.

  2. Hi just visiting as we are neighbours in the BEDM link up. Excited to see that you are living in Australia. Welcome! I'm off to read your post on Aussie-isms...

    1. Thanks for stopping by, neighbor, and thanks for the Australian hospitality! Your country is pretty great! :-) Off to visit your blog now


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